Historical Information for HIP 13758

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 14194 7.35
Khruttones 16.31
Uodigaenta 18.36
Hyades Sector LX-U d2-84 19.10
Ariatia 19.92
Siusi 20.35
HIP 15046 21.35
T Ti Wari 21.61
Hyades Sector PI-T c3-14 21.95
HIP 12966 22.11
Kraua 22.98
Atorm 23.52
Ndaba 23.52
Palanti 24.12
Luana 24.60
Mumukulas 24.84
Ceti Sector YJ-A c15 24.86
HIP 11218 25.50
Pican 25.57

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Raiders of HIP 13758 Happy 9.3% 2 months ago
New Khruttones Free Happy 12.0% 2 months ago
Siusi Co-operative Happy 16.2% 2 months ago
Bar of Dreamers Inc Happy 62.5% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
HIP 14194 5 7.35
Khruttones 6 16.31
Hyades Sector LX-U d2-84 6 19.10
HIP 15046 5 21.35
Hyades Sector PI-T c3-14 6 21.95
HIP 12966 6 22.11
Atorm 5 23.52
Ndaba 5 23.52