Historical Information for HIP 1427

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Cratanakulu 4.58
HIP 1389 10.30
HIP 1334 11.75
Ogowen 12.57
Audheim 13.49
Ba Narr 13.64
Pegasi Sector PX-T b3-5 13.75
Bletani 14.21
Pomeris 14.28
HIP 1055 15.03
HIP 117846 15.17
Hevernaku 16.43
Yum Cimmeri 16.58
Kamchadal 16.67
LP 403-71 16.76
Inarajajara 17.03
HIP 2828 17.20
HIP 943 17.26
Paelis 17.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 1427 Bureau Happy 3.87% 1 day ago
HIP 1427 Crew Happy 4.07% 1 day ago
Union of HIP 1427 Independents Happy 5.16% 1 day ago
HIP 1427 Legal Group Happy 11.61% 1 day ago
United Systems Cooperative Expansion Happy 14.19% 1 day ago
Guardians of Harmony Happy 61.11% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
HIP 1334 6 11.75
Pegasi Sector PX-T b3-5 5 13.75
Bletani 6 14.21
Pomeris 6 14.28
HIP 117846 6 15.17
Hevernaku 5 16.43
HIP 943 6 17.26
Ndjabog 6 18.11
Sopema 6 20.71
HIP 3633 4 23.77
Bastas 5 24.56
HIP 3428 6 25.38
HIP 117236 6 25.57