Historical Information for HIP 15376

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Seket 10.63
HIP 16348 10.68
HIP 16783 11.18
Arugundji 11.70
Wongaibon 13.67
Krataxo 13.75
Achrende 14.46
Sharamo 15.17
Ganit 15.36
Nut 15.39
4 Eridani 15.52
Caria 15.65
Ga Gautas 16.43
HIP 17621 17.06
Dabakaja 17.12
Kambo 17.12
Sun Picts 17.23
Aholhyniai 17.29
Songballa 17.44

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
K9 Corporation Happy 5.26% 5 days ago
HIP 15376 Gold Council Happy 5.97% 5 days ago
HIP 15376 Gold Creative Limited Happy 7.38% 5 days ago
Songballa Crimson Legal PLC Happy 8.29% 5 days ago
Autocracy of Sharamo Happy 13.95% 5 days ago
Galactic Rangers Happy 20.12% 5 days ago
The Aces Association Happy 39.03% 5 days ago


Name # Ly
Ganit 6 15.36
Nut 6 15.39
Caria 6 15.65
HR 1013 6 19.82
Nandaqui 5 24.12