Historical Information for HIP 22295

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Latugag 8.72
HIP 24542 10.44
Laluwang 10.63
Walpiri 11.18
Lusonnunga 12.12
Mayaram 12.37
Maidenwites 12.45
Kaniya 14.18
HIP 24722 14.56
Carns 15.17
Sambuwa 15.33
HIP 30179 15.78
Berindraci 16.03
HIP 20610 16.43
Unjadi 16.88
Irukama 17.00
Zhao Gong 17.61
HIP 14759 17.97
Piara 18.36

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 22295 Jet Crew Happy 2.99% 10 days ago
HIP 22295 Blue General Corp. Happy 5.78% 10 days ago
Lusonnunga Empire League Election Happy 8.97% 10 days ago
Barons of HIP 22295 Election Happy 8.97% 10 days ago
Dievantja Silver Energy Industry Happy 13.26% 10 days ago
Sentinel of Candlelight Happy 60.02% 10 days ago


Name # Ly
Berindraci 6 16.03
Zhao Gong 6 17.61
Dievantja 4 19.85
Zorynian 6 22.47
Comasci 5 22.83
Decantae 6 23.28
Bediangu 6 23.35
HIP 32435 6 23.60
Chati 6 25.81