Historical Information for HIP 4794

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Shaplinouk 6.78
Khwarakan 7.87
HIP 4332 8.06
Sabines 10.05
Guarijio 10.49
Asantani 14.07
Jafenhar 16.31
HIP 4045 17.46
HIP 6066 19.65
HIP 5183 20.83
Gundji 20.90
Hou Zi 21.00
T'ao Tzu 21.12
Arachi Szu 22.83
Annarthia 23.04
HIP 5661 23.77
Achuar 24.27
Shen Sali 24.43
HIP 4392 25.81

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 4794 Silver Camorra Happy 1.0% about 2 months ago
HIP 4794 Silver Natural Holdings Happy 7.5% about 2 months ago
Order of HIP 4794 Happy 14.3% about 2 months ago
Nationalists of HIP 4794 Happy 17.9% about 2 months ago
The 501st Guild Happy 59.3% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Jafenhar 6 16.31
Hou Zi 6 21.00
Annarthia 6 23.04
HIP 5661 6 23.77
Achuar 4 24.27