Historical Information for HIP 4934

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bunbulama 8.49
Apsaras 9.70
Bahilo 9.90
Frigah 12.00
Koya Gu 12.25
Njoror 14.32
HIP 6024 14.87
Barangali 16.03
HIP 2881 16.31
Oshatha 16.76
Gandoques 17.49
Blandagur 17.75
HIP 3084 18.06
Hania 18.14
Arikudiil 19.31
Balanek 20.05
Oeng Ku 20.88
HIP 5488 21.56
Bende 21.91

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Gang of HIP 4934 Happy 8.02% 2 months ago
HIP 4934 Incorporated Happy 8.53% 2 months ago
HIP 4934 Nationalists Happy 11.13% 2 months ago
The Cult of Quozl Happy 12.24% 2 months ago
The Void Walkers Expansion Happy 60.08% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
HIP 2881 5 16.31
Gandoques 6 17.49
Blandagur 5 17.75
HIP 3084 5 18.06
Oeng Ku 5 20.88
Wikmung 6 22.02
Poraja 5 22.05
HIP 5712 5 22.58
Abreda 6 22.74
Zac Matlan 5 23.62
Ngolock 6 23.96
Wirnir 4 25.57