Historical Information for HIP 70487

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 69050 15.94
33 Bootis 17.75
HIP 68193 21.12
Rajukru 21.40
Juduni 21.56
HIP 70792 22.32
Tailpiri 22.83
Elycochos 24.17
Asellus Tertius 24.60
HIP 71466 25.42
Puikis 25.57
Dyavansana 25.71
HIP 73677 26.63
Col 285 Sector TG-Y b16-0 26.94
24 Canum Venaticorum 26.98
Gerdhr 28.04
HIP 68204 28.71
Manawydan 29.22
Jurus 29.22

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Brotherhood of HIP 70487 Happy 7.36% 3 months ago
People's HIP 70487 Republic Party Happy 9.38% 3 months ago
HIP 70487 Gold Galactic Org Civil War Happy 10.69% 3 months ago
HIP 70487 Democrats Happy 10.69% 3 months ago
HIP 69738 Independent Union Happy 11.69% 3 months ago
New HIP 70487 Law Party Civil War Happy 14.72% 3 months ago
Guardians of Cygnus Happy 35.48% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Rajukru 6 21.40
HIP 70792 4 22.32