Historical Information for HIP 74174

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 72677 14.32
Col 285 Sector SU-E c12-12 16.55
HIP 73428 18.14
Zoquagsang 18.47
Yudhriges 18.71
Kharviri 20.90
Ts'in 21.47
Kammari 21.47
Arundji 21.73
Rangchan 22.14
Wirian 22.91
Adlirvantan 23.11
Telenisates 23.15
Col 285 Sector MT-G c11-5 23.79
Kipgen Mu 24.21
Chanii 24.27
Col 285 Sector SU-E c12-18 24.68
Baiamara 24.92
Col 285 Sector CI-N b22-4 25.32

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 74174 Monarchy Happy 6.01% 1 day ago
HIP 74174 Purple Society Happy 6.51% 1 day ago
HIP 74174 League Happy 12.53% 1 day ago
HIP 74174 Gold Transport Corp Happy 14.43% 1 day ago
Leaders of Kumbaya Happy 21.74% 1 day ago
The Marxist-Leninist Astrology Commission Happy 38.78% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
HIP 72677 6 14.32
Zoquagsang 6 18.47
Rangchan 6 22.14
Wirian 6 22.91
Col 285 Sector MT-G c11-5 6 23.79
Kipgen Mu 5 24.21
Col 285 Sector SU-E c12-18 4 24.68