Historical Information for HIP 98237

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Arverni 2.83
Djari 4.12
Borongoreng 10.00
Wangana 10.30
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-23 11.05
Mapor 11.45
Varduli 12.25
Noco 12.85
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-24 13.19
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-26 13.38
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-27 17.20
Kunggari 17.44
Vendarid 18.89
Col 285 Sector TV-J b23-2 19.13
HIP 100685 19.67
Ngalua 19.72
Asvien Yu 19.72
Upan 20.66
Mimutin 21.02

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mapor Liberals Happy 6.16% 3 months ago
Baijundh Camorra Happy 9.8% 3 months ago
Mapor Silver Netcoms Holdings Happy 11.11% 3 months ago
Arverni General Holdings Happy 11.52% 3 months ago
The Dukes of Mikunn Expansion Happy 61.41% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Arverni 6 2.83
Borongoreng 6 10.00
Wangana 5 10.30
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-23 4 11.05
Mapor 6 11.45
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-24 5 13.19
Col 285 Sector XA-E c12-26 5 13.38
Vendarid 6 18.89
Ngalua 3 19.72
Asvien Yu 5 19.72
Mimutin 6 21.02
52 h2 Sagittarii 2 21.12
Col 285 Sector VF-E c12-7 6 21.42
Wadir 5 22.02
Sefrys 3 22.56
HIP 95677 4 24.49
Ualaroges 3 24.60
Rianik 6 25.32
Jangbon 4 25.42
Col 285 Sector VG-I b24-6 3 25.81