Historical Information for HR 8809

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Mapod 7.35
Ruhang Yeh 10.49
Namniez 11.79
Velnambe 12.25
Kotien 12.33
HIP 114269 14.63
HIP 117493 14.76
Flectes 15.91
HIP 113430 16.12
Djalkyries 16.16
Frentani 16.34
Hotototo 17.00
HIP 118062 17.03
Sarahath 17.23
Gwyddi 17.35
Vukuracians 17.46
Kumod 17.49
HIP 117499 17.72
HIP 113113 18.25

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HR 8809 Blue Organisation Happy 3.77% 23 hours ago
Vukuracians Order Happy 6.45% 23 hours ago
Workers of HR 8809 Values Party Happy 9.24% 23 hours ago
HR 8809 Patrons of Law Happy 10.82% 23 hours ago
HR 8809 Legal Industry Happy 13.9% 23 hours ago
Ruhang Yeh Power Co Happy 17.87% 23 hours ago
Likedeeler of Michel Happy 37.93% 23 hours ago


Name # Ly
Mapod 6 7.35
Ruhang Yeh 5 10.49
HIP 114269 6 14.63
Vukuracians 6 17.46
Kumod 6 17.49
Changwuti 6 21.47
Abukunn 5 24.06
HIP 117014 6 24.76