Historical Information for Har Ne Zha

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Caereda 7.28
Kutjalkini 9.64
Warwa 11.18
Khongyan 11.87
HIP 85297 13.04
Ekondhri 13.11
Col 285 Sector QO-N b21-5 13.15
Tihtir 13.60
Trani 13.93
Narantan 13.93
Grebinawair 14.49
Kutnigin 14.59
Salitat 15.36
Itelmens 15.68
Xion 16.09
HIP 87638 16.58
Mugari 16.88
Witsegernir 17.06
Gamma Apodis 17.15

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Har Ne Zha People's Co-operative Happy 4.07% 13 days ago
Har Ne Zha Crimson Council Happy 5.75% 13 days ago
Citizen Party of Argel Happy 5.75% 13 days ago
Torval Strategic Services Happy 6.25% 13 days ago
HR 6565 Triad Happy 10.02% 13 days ago
Har Ne Zha Crimson Comms PLC Happy 13.69% 13 days ago
1st Galactic Line of Defence Outbreak Happy 54.46% 13 days ago


Name # Ly
Kutjalkini 6 9.64
Siddhas 6 17.58
Anari 6 23.04
HIP 83247 5 23.45
HIP 102128 6 23.60