Historical Information for Herculis Sector IC-V b2-2

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Angawu Lin 7.81
Aramorans 9.27
Tsoghomal 9.95
Herculis Sector IC-V b2-3 11.36
Wolf 1398 13.49
Akbaksas 14.07
Wuli 14.46
Akena Buj 16.09
Kaurareg 16.61
Montino 16.64
Hirani 17.32
Bare 17.55
HIP 85686 17.69
Jormbu 17.89
Col 285 Sector PY-R d4-100 17.92
Narkinnaq 18.19
Manahpuch 18.41
Nemetes 18.47
Atjirajan 18.68

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Hand Gang of Angawu Lin Happy 7.0% 17 minutes ago
Confederacy of Bhumbla Happy 13.0% 17 minutes ago
Wuli Natural Organisation Happy 20.0% 17 minutes ago
Fatal Shadows Expansion Happy 60.0% 17 minutes ago


Name # Ly
Wuli 6 14.46
Akena Buj 5 16.09
Kaurareg 5 16.61
Hirani 6 17.32
HIP 85686 6 17.69
Col 285 Sector PY-R d4-100 5 17.92
Col 285 Sector KF-S b19-3 5 18.71
Khants 5 19.05
Mishtra 6 19.92
Col 285 Sector ND-S d4-70 4 21.26
Col 285 Sector ID-I c10-10 6 22.89
Kwatyri 5 24.54
Col 285 Sector CC-K c9-20 5 25.55
HIP 91507 6 25.77