Historical Information for Hesatsu

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Kuruacani 10.95
LP 872-8 11.58
Juma 11.75
Sha Gigas 13.15
Gabietye 13.56
LTT 8419 13.60
Rho Capricorni 14.21
BD-22 5522 15.17
Kawilocidi 15.39
Hupan 15.59
Wurr 15.75
Wadjali 15.94
Ngbato 16.49
Irulachan 16.88
Bark Pular 17.20
Yawal 17.38
Quikudi 17.92
Seliacha 18.03
Cenu Kichs 19.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Hesatsu Crimson Society Happy 1.91% 9 hours ago
Hesatsu Universal Incorporated Happy 5.32% 9 hours ago
Earls of Hesatsu Happy 8.03% 9 hours ago
Co-op of Hesatsu Happy 11.25% 9 hours ago
Juma aristocrats Happy 13.15% 9 hours ago
Liberty Party of Ngbato Happy 16.87% 9 hours ago
Teaka Elite Altruists Bagging Cooperative Happy 43.47% 9 hours ago


Name # Ly
Rho Capricorni 6 14.21
Wurr 6 15.75