Historical Information for Hesqui Xing

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Wooptet 8.49
Col 285 Sector LK-T b18-1 8.49
HIP 101268 9.90
Hachan Ku 10.86
Jitani 11.45
Eskit 12.25
Achian 12.33
Anotand 12.88
Gaoshe 13.38
Avataultam 13.75
Manisi 14.04
Wu Jiu 14.18
Ross 187 14.76
Onateru 16.88
Col 285 Sector FS-J c9-9 17.49
Nyorenses 17.72
Col 285 Sector QQ-R b19-1 17.75
HIP 97336 17.83
Dharelbici 17.94

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Integrated Hesqui Xing Happy 3.37% about 2 months ago
Hesqui Xing Gold Netcoms Prtnrs Happy 3.96% about 2 months ago
Unionists of Brynhilo Happy 4.75% about 2 months ago
Liberals of Wu Jiu Happy 5.64% about 2 months ago
The Krangwe Institute Happy 7.23% about 2 months ago
Labour of Wooptet Happy 10.5% about 2 months ago
HIP 102016 Purple Legal Holdings Happy 64.55% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Eskit 6 12.25
Ross 187 6 14.76
Col 285 Sector PY-R d4-75 6 20.83
Pegasi Sector QJ-P b6-6 5 24.27
HIP 96906 6 25.65