Historical Information for Hyades Sector KD-S c4-6

Nearby Systems

Name LY
HIP 7221 7.00
Sego 8.31
Kidi 10.10
HIP 7441 11.45
HIP 7037 11.58
Coriosolite 13.64
Oretes 13.67
Lhou Tiegua 14.76
Tao Tzaka 15.07
Arietis Sector AI-H a11-3 17.38
Makula 17.92
Hyades Sector KD-S c4-16 17.94
Ausci 18.22
Hyades Sector GH-V d2-97 18.49
Hodurngana 19.10
Aladshes 19.26
Poqomchi 19.47
Gullveti 19.52
Torno 19.82

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Natural Tao Tzaka Constitution Party Happy 5.8% about 1 month ago
Aristocrats of Coriosolite Happy 7.3% about 1 month ago
Constitution Party of Torno Happy 8.7% about 1 month ago
United Kidi Confederation Happy 8.8% about 1 month ago
Sego Camorra Happy 9.0% about 1 month ago
Transhumanist Coalition Happy 9.7% about 1 month ago
HIP 7441 Free Happy 50.7% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Sego 5 8.31
Kidi 5 10.10
Coriosolite 6 13.64
Oretes 6 13.67
Makula 6 17.92
Torno 4 19.82
Obamboro 5 20.10
Col 285 Sector JH-V d2-66 5 22.00
Col 285 Sector UZ-O c6-9 5 22.05
Hyades Sector GX-T c3-2 6 22.16
HIP 4637 5 23.04
Kemuru 5 23.26