Historical Information for ICZ BA-Z b3

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bhumij 1.41
Ember 4.69
Taara 6.32
Iota Eridani 7.48
Manthe 8.31
Shonso 9.49
ICZ DV-Y b1 11.45
ICZ CA-Z b0 11.70
Acamar 12.04
Anganaha 13.38
ICZ BA-Z b2 13.42
ICZ BA-Z b1 13.93
Kong Dan 14.97
Hruntia 15.17
Quitakiana 15.30
HIP 14007 16.43
ICZ CA-Z b2 16.64
Namarii 17.00
Meliontit 18.03

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Dragons of Shonso Happy 6.91% 1 day ago
Shonso Empire Pact Happy 12.91% 1 day ago
The Independent Light Wheel Expansion Happy 19.82% 1 day ago
Horaltic Phoenix Happy 60.36% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
Bhumij 6 1.41
Manthe 6 8.31
Acamar 6 12.04
Meliontit 6 18.03
Fawaol 6 21.56
Zvaithhogg 6 23.43
Luchoer 6 24.76