Historical Information for Imeut

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Vukurbeh 5.74
Matshiru 5.92
Nihal 9.00
HIP 25679 9.17
HR 1812 9.27
HIP 25396 12.41
HIP 23816 13.60
Hupang 14.80
HIP 26688 14.97
HR 1737 15.78
HIP 23716 16.19
Didiomanja 17.00
Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18 18.03
Tolokitan 19.24
Tiraocha 19.34
Cuchan 19.92
Ngorowai 20.42
Mokujin 21.21
Ixbalanque 21.95

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Imeut Silver Cartel Happy 0.98% 3 days ago
Imeut Exchange Happy 4.82% 3 days ago
Imeut Public Limited Happy 5.51% 3 days ago
League of Imeut Regulatory State Happy 6.59% 3 days ago
Hupang Holdings Happy 7.19% 3 days ago
Progressive Party of Imeut Happy 15.55% 3 days ago
Brazilian League of Pilots Expansion Happy 59.35% 3 days ago


Name # Ly
Nihal 6 9.00
HIP 25679 6 9.17
Hupang 3 14.80
HIP 26688 4 14.97
HR 1737 6 15.78
HIP 23716 6 16.19
Trianguli Sector GG-Y c18 3 18.03
Tiraocha 6 19.34
Phrygiang 6 23.85
Lubal 6 25.71