Historical Information for Indra

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Skollung 5.10
LHS 6408 6.16
LP 289-12 7.28
LHS 3923 9.64
LFT 1739 10.86
V402 Pegasi 11.09
Notus 11.22
Tupa 11.79
LP 244-47 11.87
BD+44 4389 12.08
LHS 529 12.37
G 214-14 12.53
Anu 12.69
Wolf 1182 13.19
LHS 3781 13.60
Nammu 14.07
LHS 6386 14.87
G 130-9 15.30
NLTT 53690 15.39

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Indra Flag Happy 2.96% 2 days ago
Republic Party of Notus Happy 4.35% 2 days ago
Indra Solutions Civil War Happy 8.1% 2 days ago
Traditional Indra First Civil War Happy 8.1% 2 days ago
Workers of Indra Progressive Party Election Happy 11.56% 2 days ago
Blood Brothers from Alrai Election Happy 11.56% 2 days ago
The Forgotten Expansion Happy 53.36% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Lodemovoi 6 22.02