Historical Information for Itza

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Wolf 225 5.74
Sisii 8.25
Capukanga 9.43
Jurua 9.85
Remines 9.90
V491 Persei 10.44
Ashandras 11.05
Shedi 11.87
Unktock 12.04
Wolf 152 12.69
Sui Xing 13.30
LTT 11455 13.34
Hoder 14.46
Bonde 14.56
LTT 11383 14.56
Arnemil 15.00
LHS 21 16.40
LP 302-22 16.55
Ququve 16.82

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Guardians of the Core Happy 5.15% 5 hours ago
Itza Liberty Party Happy 5.95% 5 hours ago
League of Itza Happy 6.74% 5 hours ago
Movement for Itza Progressive Party Happy 7.23% 5 hours ago
Itza Bridge Inc Happy 9.12% 5 hours ago
Silver Natural Industry Happy 14.97% 5 hours ago
Quebecois Patriots Expansion Happy 50.84% 5 hours ago


Name # Ly
Bonde 6 14.56
PLX 695 5 17.92