Historical Information for Jamule

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Phra Lule 3.61
Fidena 5.10
Raurumbal 10.05
Glutia 12.25
Yu Shou 12.81
Kapod 13.08
Hang Po 13.15
Futes 14.35
Antove Den 14.63
LTT 2062 14.97
CD-37 1883 15.00
Anima 15.17
Djenn Crua 16.19
Beta Caeli 16.31
CD-36 1535 16.34
HR 1076 17.12
CD-36 1916 17.20
Gandra 17.38
Njokujil 17.38

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Liberty Party of Jamule Happy 4.28% 11 hours ago
Jamule Crimson Syndicate Happy 5.07% 11 hours ago
Jamule Travel Industries Happy 5.07% 11 hours ago
Labour of Jamule Happy 6.07% 11 hours ago
Jet Federal Industry Happy 14.23% 11 hours ago
Bureau of Raurumbal Happy 17.51% 11 hours ago
Booty Bay Butchers Expansion Happy 47.76% 11 hours ago


Name # Ly
Anima 6 15.17
Mebegernir 6 25.08