Historical Information for Kano

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Tamici 8.12
Rutumukuju 8.94
Adit 9.00
Weramananda 9.43
Qaratay 10.05
Jambe 12.21
HR 6552 13.15
Bajara 15.13
HIP 87414 15.39
Inggarda 16.03
Pardis 16.31
Rho Octantis 16.31
Windjet 16.88
HIP 100968 17.38
HR 5491 17.75
Vadi 17.92
Ngadjuk 19.42
Swahili 20.02
Tawembara 20.74

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Kano Camorra Happy 3.48% 19 hours ago
Natural Kano Movement Happy 3.58% 19 hours ago
Defence Party of Kano Happy 4.48% 19 hours ago
Kano Purple Creative Industries Happy 8.16% 19 hours ago
The Dukes of Hazard Happy 13.33% 19 hours ago
The Gathering Happy 66.97% 19 hours ago


Name # Ly
Jambe 5 12.21
HIP 87414 6 15.39
Pardis 5 16.31
Windjet 5 16.88
HIP 100968 6 17.38
Vadi 5 17.92
Ngadjuk 6 19.42
Swahili 6 20.02