Historical Information for Kokatese

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Milpiriyo 7.62
Wazn 7.87
Seshenghus 12.21
Mehudi 12.53
Thewixina 13.15
Walmir 13.49
Rudjer Boskovic 13.96
LTT 2581 13.96
Tricor 13.96
Yera 13.96
Dangarla 14.59
Pohnpet 14.90
Kanaloa 15.17
Nokomis 15.17
Bulku 16.37
Thetis 16.55
Triton 17.06
Palis 17.12
90 G. Canis Majoris 17.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Pirates of Kokatese Happy 3.27% 1 day ago
Bureau of Kokatese Focus Happy 6.72% 1 day ago
Kokatese Crimson Galactic Dev Happy 8.45% 1 day ago
New Thetis Resistance Happy 9.7% 1 day ago
Values Party of Kokatese Happy 10.47% 1 day ago
Kokatese Comms Commodities Public Holiday Happy 17.48% 1 day ago
Enigma Dyson Syndicate Expansion Happy 43.9% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
Lhan 6 20.49
Aecerbot 6 24.60
Bok 6 25.24