Historical Information for LFT 926

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Nuenets 3.61
Shinrarta Dezhra 5.00
V886 Centauri 8.77
Arro Naga 11.58
Fong Wang 12.21
Gnowee 12.85
HR 4979 13.38
LHS 346 13.49
LTT 5212 14.25
CD-33 8748 14.25
LDS 413 15.13
LTT 5131 15.13
ER 8 15.17
Bunda 15.23
Akandi 15.30
Skeggiko O 15.36
LHS 2813 15.56
LHS 332 15.62
Eravarenth 15.81

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
LFT 926 Blue Hand Gang Happy 1.01% 5 hours ago
Los Chupacabras Happy 4.94% 5 hours ago
Green Party of LFT 926 Happy 7.16% 5 hours ago
Defence Party of LFT 926 Happy 7.56% 5 hours ago
LFT 926 Interstellar War Happy 8.97% 5 hours ago
Collective of Independent Agents Pirate Attack War Happy 8.97% 5 hours ago
The Dark Wheel Boom Happy 61.39% 5 hours ago


Name # Ly
Shinrarta Dezhra 4 5.00
Katta 5 18.87
Hodack 3 19.31
Sokoji 6 24.72