Historical Information for LHS 538

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Huichi 10.30
HK Aquarii 10.49
Venegana 11.53
LTT 9299 12.69
Upsilon Aquarii 13.08
GD 1192 13.19
Yeniklis 13.19
LTT 9455 14.04
LTT 9360 14.56
Tenche 15.65
LP 876-76 16.58
Yum Kaia 16.61
LTT 9315 16.67
Main 17.20
LTT 9397 17.29
Ugrashtrim 17.38
LP 762-3 17.89
Rigoneskher 18.00
Cheng Den 18.79

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
LHS 538 Gold Brotherhood Happy 0.99% 9 hours ago
Bureau of LHS 538 Front Happy 4.87% 9 hours ago
Union of LHS 538 Independents Happy 6.26% 9 hours ago
LHS 538 Corporation Happy 6.85% 9 hours ago
Independents of LHS 538 Happy 10.53% 9 hours ago
People's Huichi Resistance Happy 13.7% 9 hours ago
Teaka Elite Altruists Bagging Cooperative Happy 56.8% 9 hours ago


Name # Ly
Munfayl 6 24.19