Historical Information for LTT 6772

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Smethells 1 7.81
Junda 10.86
Mandhrithar 11.05
Banebdjetet 11.45
Ratemere 12.08
Mineer 12.08
Corngari 12.41
Zvaizgan 12.57
Pthan Yi 13.56
Naunin 13.96
San Zaihe 14.49
Maopi 14.90
Tupeng Yu 15.39
Sesmetae 16.31
Kupol Bumba 16.40
CPD-70 2439 16.40
HR 6177 16.67
Tamba 17.29
Damnet 17.49

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Workers of LTT 6772 Partnership Happy 4.51% 3 hours ago
Smethells 1 Systems Happy 9.23% 3 hours ago
LTT 6772 State Corp. Happy 9.53% 3 hours ago
LTT 6772 Purple Ring Happy 9.93% 3 hours ago
7th Interplanetary Defense Fleet Happy 13.54% 3 hours ago
Fathers of Nontime Happy 16.75% 3 hours ago
Independent Pilots Consortium Happy 36.51% 3 hours ago


Name # Ly
Damnet 6 17.49
Sayango 6 20.27