Historical Information for Li Prope

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Narati Shi 9.49
Col 285 Sector RD-R c5-17 10.77
Hun Wu 12.41
Allocassa 12.73
Lakuxi 13.04
Kholhoujem 13.60
Adnyayar 13.75
HIP 40449 13.89
Timoch 13.93
Payan 14.59
HIP 41573 15.36
Orisini 15.39
Kartudjara 15.43
Atiusing 15.65
Luang Te 16.88
HIP 41088 16.91
Yuruachine 17.00
Njika Mo 17.58
Can Hut 17.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
United Adnyayar League Happy 3.21% 7 days ago
Li Prope Stakeholders Happy 4.61% 7 days ago
HIP 41090 Gold Public Int Happy 5.32% 7 days ago
Cooperation of Independent Pilots Happy 5.92% 7 days ago
Crimson Life Services Happy 12.04% 7 days ago
The Proteans Expansion Happy 17.55% 7 days ago
Li Prope Jet Partnership Bust Happy 51.35% 7 days ago


Name # Ly
Col 285 Sector RD-R c5-17 6 10.77
Hun Wu 6 12.41
Lakuxi 4 13.04
Kholhoujem 4 13.60
Timoch 5 13.93
Orisini 5 15.39
Kartudjara 6 15.43
Atiusing 4 15.65
Yuruachine 6 17.00
Can Hut 3 17.72
Orobrogee 6 17.72
Ijo 6 17.75
Ho Panang 6 19.05
Greallu 5 20.47
Col 285 Sector IR-V d2-36 3 21.40
Col 285 Sector JH-I b11-4 5 22.47
HIP 40732 6 24.35
Bikoro 3 24.78
Ts'ao Gong 6 24.92