Historical Information for Logon

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Porja 3.32
Edenaiwan 7.07
Jangu 10.77
HIP 52649 10.86
HIP 52780 11.53
HIP 52990 12.88
HIP 53879 14.35
Othieh 14.80
Alkes 17.12
HIP 50515 17.26
Lu Tungatya 17.92
HIP 53250 19.10
Fongite 19.34
Papai 19.72
HIP 52933 19.80
HIP 54366 20.32
Salava 20.62
HIP 53639 21.26
Choere 22.83

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Raiders of Logon Happy 0.99% about 1 month ago
League of Logon First Happy 7.36% about 1 month ago
Logon Blue Vision Exchange Happy 7.75% about 1 month ago
HIP 52933 Partnership War Happy 10.74% about 1 month ago
Independent Pilot's Guild War Happy 10.74% about 1 month ago
People's Logon Values Party Happy 20.58% about 1 month ago
Future of HIP 52780 Happy 41.85% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Edenaiwan 6 7.07
Alkes 5 17.12
Lu Tungatya 6 17.92
HIP 52933 5 19.80
HIP 53639 6 21.26
Choere 5 22.83
Antliae Sector CL-Y d90 5 24.68
HIP 53424 6 25.57