Historical Information for Mac Mari

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Svansa 9.85
Pegasi Sector XO-Z b2 14.73
Bagaiteru 15.30
Cerre 20.02
HIP 1026 21.42
Pegasi Sector BV-X b1-8 22.09
Khowahing 23.79
Arietis Sector FW-W c1-19 23.83
Lakshalita 24.19
Moraikda 24.54
Pokoto 24.86
Arietis Sector FW-W c1-16 25.65
Pegasi Sector BV-X b1-7 25.79
Pegasi Sector FL-X b1-3 26.78
Arietis Sector DB-X c1-3 27.09
HIP 4637 27.20
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d100 27.33
HIP 3062 28.60
Arietis Sector FW-W c1-18 29.02

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mac Mari Silver Council Happy 1.0% 2 months ago
Alliance of Mac Mari Happy 6.21% 2 months ago
Guardians of Harmony Expansion Happy 6.41% 2 months ago
Mac Mari aristocrats Happy 7.01% 2 months ago
Bagaiteru State Partners Happy 7.82% 2 months ago
Partnership of Moraikda Happy 10.12% 2 months ago
Pigeon Shipping Lines Happy 61.42% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Svansa 6 9.85
Cerre 6 20.02
Pegasi Sector BV-X b1-8 6 22.09
Khowahing 6 23.79
Arietis Sector FW-W c1-19 3 23.83
Moraikda 3 24.54
Arietis Sector FW-W c1-16 3 25.65
Pegasi Sector BV-X b1-7 4 25.79