Historical Information for Madngeri

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Aonga 3.74
LP 158-2 8.77
Burr 9.85
Elivagar 11.18
LFT 361 12.77
Bestia 14.21
Wathiparian 14.32
Oisi 15.03
Jangore 15.07
9 Aurigae 15.52
Segon 15.91
Adjukru 16.55
Clarus 16.61
Evenks 16.67
Lalande 9828 17.00
Mentor 17.72
BD+47 1236 17.92
Imango 18.44
Tofana 18.47

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Madngeri Gold Raiders Bust Happy 1.0% 5 hours ago
Madngeri Natural Corp. Happy 2.8% 5 hours ago
Workers of Madngeri Independents Happy 4.1% 5 hours ago
League of Madngeri Bureau Happy 7.3% 5 hours ago
Madngeri Power Co Happy 10.0% 5 hours ago
Progressive Party of Aonga Happy 26.8% 5 hours ago
Order of Enblackenment Public Holiday Elated 48.0% 5 hours ago


Name # Ly
Burr 6 9.85
Oisi 6 15.03
Daga tri 6 19.03
Kamuti 5 20.35
Alexis Centauri 5 20.47
Mbeguenchu 5 24.21
Eluskapu 6 24.62