Historical Information for Malparci

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Pa Puggsa 9.43
HIP 110339 10.05
Ruadari 10.30
Jura Laima 10.86
Pegasi Sector HM-V c2-16 11.36
Koamuth 13.08
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-12 14.04
Djapan 14.18
Santosageth 14.35
Wolf 959 15.59
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-7 18.55
HIP 109310 19.24
Melingo 19.62
Equagei 20.62
Kissi 20.78
Euburiates 21.00
Malgal 21.31
3 Beta Lacertae 21.61
Sugalis 21.75

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Malparci Vision Exchange Happy 5.67% 2 months ago
Lords of Malparci Happy 6.36% 2 months ago
United Allo Free Happy 14.31% 2 months ago
Partnership of Jura Laima Happy 17.0% 2 months ago
Independent Malparci Confederation Happy 21.07% 2 months ago
Muro Independents Happy 35.59% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
HIP 110339 6 10.05
Jura Laima 6 10.86
Pegasi Sector HM-V c2-16 4 11.36
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-12 4 14.04
Djapan 6 14.18
HIP 109310 6 19.24
Malgal 6 21.31
Lakshma 6 23.73
HIP 108602 4 23.87
9 Lacertae 6 23.87
Vorden 6 24.10
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5 3 25.00
Pegasi Sector GR-V c2-30 5 25.02
HIP 112042 6 25.81
Sun Aphu 6 25.94