Historical Information for Malsuman

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Bhutatani 7.35
Ictino 7.87
Paiphu 11.05
BD+53 912 11.40
Condi 12.17
Mangwe 13.04
Atrimih 14.04
Poqomawi 14.14
Choenpetese 14.18
Chandh 14.35
Banapityas 14.46
Pilintana 15.52
Ailurui 15.68
Mandu 15.78
Wepaw 16.40
Riki 16.91
LTT 3787 17.03
Albarib 17.20
Lokit 17.23

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Bureau of Malsuman Law Party Happy 2.09% 14 hours ago
Natural Malsuman Autocracy Happy 2.49% 14 hours ago
Malsuman Industry Happy 3.79% 14 hours ago
Malsuman Values Party Happy 4.49% 14 hours ago
Beta Volantis Imperial Society Election Happy 7.68% 14 hours ago
Monarchy of Votama Public Holiday Election Happy 7.68% 14 hours ago
Eagle Corporation Industries Boom Happy 71.78% 14 hours ago


Name # Ly
BD+53 912 6 11.40
NLTT 19375 6 19.44
Shabogama 5 22.91