Historical Information for Mbere

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Orcus 2.24
bhodha 5.10
Asvinici 12.12
HIP 107936 13.42
HIP 107385 13.78
Negasargun 13.96
HIP 105606 14.07
CD-55 8747 14.25
Kafigelabon 15.26
Noonitokomu 15.30
Nyaminawe 15.78
LTT 8584 15.81
LTT 8657 16.31
Lak 16.49
HIP 105062 17.46
SPOCS 900 17.61
Smethells 102 17.83
Ixchertha 18.03
Bhare 18.28

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mbere Syndicate Bust Happy 3.47% 9 days ago
Mbere Commodities Happy 5.25% 9 days ago
Mbere Emperor's Grace Happy 6.74% 9 days ago
Official bhodha Regulatory State War Happy 7.14% 9 days ago
Union Party of Mbere War Happy 7.14% 9 days ago
Mbere Gold Universal Partners Happy 9.02% 9 days ago
Imperial Federalist Labour Party of Veloxi's Vixens Happy 61.25% 9 days ago


Name # Ly
Orcus 6 2.24
HIP 107936 6 13.42
Babal 6 21.56
Nyoru 6 22.58