Historical Information for Mbutas

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Witou 3.00
HIP 12779 8.25
Domoth 8.54
HIP 12837 8.66
HIP 10492 10.05
Lopemba 10.49
Tangua 11.45
Lohra 11.66
HIP 12119 12.00
HIP 11433 13.15
Bang 13.93
HR 827 14.35
Eskite 14.90
HIP 9769 15.10
HIP 12005 15.52
HIP 11359 17.38
Kambo 17.38
Arugundji 17.49
Nandaqui 17.58

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mbutas Systems Happy 9.93% 19 minutes ago
Defence Force of Mbutas Happy 10.63% 19 minutes ago
Defence Party of Mbutas Happy 10.83% 19 minutes ago
Democrats of Mbutas Happy 10.93% 19 minutes ago
Mbutas Industries Happy 11.13% 19 minutes ago
HIP 9774 Patron's Principles Happy 19.66% 19 minutes ago
Witou Guardians of Tradition Boom Happy 26.88% 19 minutes ago


Name # Ly
HIP 9769 5 15.10
Nandaqui 5 17.58
HIP 11954 6 22.83
Nandarib 5 25.02