Historical Information for Meinannovi

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Lalande 45165 6.40
BD+15 4829 8.60
Paleni 9.27
Pegasi Sector VO-Q b5-3 9.95
Gliese 4328 10.82
Shonpono 11.36
Mecht 13.08
LTT 16741 13.38
Markab 13.56
HIP 115417 13.89
Tawiru 14.07
HIP 112506 15.13
Guede 16.06
Honges 16.31
HIP 116213 16.58
HIP 113495 16.64
HR 8799 16.91
Bhadra 17.72
HR 8631 17.94

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Meinannovi Mob Bust Happy 1.0% about 1 month ago
Alliance of Meinannovi Happy 4.18% about 1 month ago
Law Party of HIP 113495 Happy 6.57% about 1 month ago
Partnership of Markab Happy 9.56% about 1 month ago
Meinannovi Creative Holdings Happy 10.76% about 1 month ago
HIP 116213 Liberty Party Happy 14.24% about 1 month ago
redback consortium Happy 53.69% about 1 month ago


Name # Ly
Paleni 6 9.27
Pegasi Sector VO-Q b5-3 5 9.95
Gliese 4328 6 10.82
Shonpono 6 11.36
Markab 5 13.56
Elusughna 6 20.12
Gliese 1272 6 21.40
Ba Xian 5 22.47
HIP 111657 6 25.14
Pegasi Sector PN-T c3-14 5 25.81