Historical Information for Mi Hsien

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Rikbakar 5.20
HIP 80742 10.49
Nyore 10.82
Apotec 11.53
HIP 78237 12.25
HIP 77807 12.53
HIP 76837 12.69
Cadu Kunus 13.60
HIP 75389 16.31
Biarnun 16.61
Jin Sho Bao 17.00
Fan Naom 17.12
HIP 81755 17.61
Maruti 18.68
Olurorai 18.71
HIP 76466 18.89
Col 285 Sector PV-Z b15-3 20.27
HIP 78165 21.56
Batari 24.35

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mi Hsien League Happy 2.1% 15 days ago
Mi Hsien Silver Creative Ind Happy 3.7% 15 days ago
Aobriguites Blue Bridge Corp Happy 7.39% 15 days ago
Co-operative of HIP 82896 Happy 11.29% 15 days ago
Fan Naom Central PLC Happy 15.28% 15 days ago
Earls of HIP 80742 Happy 19.78% 15 days ago
United Systems Commonwealth Happy 40.46% 15 days ago


Name # Ly
Nyore 6 10.82
Apotec 6 11.53
HIP 81755 5 17.61
Col 285 Sector PV-Z b15-3 6 20.27
Col 285 Sector PV-Z b15-1 6 24.45
Vodyakamana 6 24.78
Hanuku 6 24.94
Aobriguites 5 25.20
Anoumis 6 25.57
Tswarijem 5 25.73