Historical Information for Misarret

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Ubassi 5.92
Laifang 9.43
HIP 86950 10.86
Efnisei 12.21
Igbo Di 12.69
Wich 13.49
Parakara 13.96
HIP 85850 14.35
HIP 84838 14.53
HIP 88471 15.30
Gcirisci 17.26
Klos 17.55
Trany 18.41
Col 285 Sector SW-O b21-2 18.47
Tirawn 18.71
Arunmi 19.65
HIP 89100 20.98
Warungkambo 21.21
Mse 21.47

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Misarret Purple Society Happy 2.55% 3 months ago
Misarret Crimson Life Inc Happy 3.93% 3 months ago
Wich Allied Inc Happy 10.02% 3 months ago
League of Misarret Happy 19.74% 3 months ago
Revolutionary Party of Misarret Happy 26.03% 3 months ago
Sap Core Legion Happy 37.72% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Igbo Di 4 12.69
Wich 6 13.49
HIP 85850 6 14.35
Trany 3 18.41
Col 285 Sector SW-O b21-2 6 18.47
HIP 89100 6 20.98
Larri 6 22.05
Col 285 Sector NA-S b19-5 6 22.05
HIP 85437 5 22.41
Chhaleda 5 22.91
HR 6328 5 23.37
58 Epsilon Herculis 6 24.06
Mishtra 6 25.50
Chatkwa 6 25.67
Latucano 5 25.73
Turongma 5 25.73