Historical Information for Mulaya

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Sigynnae 2.83
Besta 5.39
Selgalam 6.16
Peredd 9.17
HIP 60788 9.70
Liburumni 11.36
Marichi 12.45
HIP 58180 15.03
Kukas 15.68
HIP 60825 16.16
Tolistshiri 16.37
Jou Tung 16.40
Mo Daorsemi 17.03
Col 285 Sector WE-Q d5-137 17.12
HIP 57352 18.14
HR 4710 19.00
Coquiabayo 20.10
HIP 67205 20.15
Mandubii 20.27

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Mulaya Partnership Happy 1.0% 3 months ago
Liberty Party of Besta Happy 7.38% 3 months ago
Selgalam Holdings Happy 9.77% 3 months ago
Mulaya Advanced Limited Happy 10.57% 3 months ago
Party of Liburumni Happy 12.66% 3 months ago
Sigynnae Crimson Allied Systems Happy 13.86% 3 months ago
HIP 58180 Empire Consulate Happy 44.77% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Kukas 6 15.68
Col 285 Sector WE-Q d5-137 5 17.12
HR 4710 6 19.00
Col 285 Sector YZ-P d5-127 3 21.59
Njoerd 6 23.28
Argenoi 3 25.42