Historical Information for Narim

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Wudjari 4.24
Bhagiriyot 4.69
Orao 7.87
Wen 8.37
Serd 16.31
Njemar 16.43
HIP 16984 16.52
Ogdoad 18.49
HIP 17984 20.62
Chacorii 20.74
Wikini 20.83
Sigue 20.90
HIP 15545 21.26
HIP 16038 21.49
HIP 18496 21.84
Havans 22.29
HIP 18563 22.65
Liu Anai 24.56
Hinepon 25.40

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Narim Organisation Happy 1.0% about 2 months ago
Labour Union of Narim Happy 1.5% about 2 months ago
Narim Gold Dynamic Corporation Happy 3.11% about 2 months ago
Narim Clan Happy 5.91% about 2 months ago
Wen Patrons of Law Happy 10.52% about 2 months ago
Narim Empire Assembly Happy 13.73% about 2 months ago
Broadcast Cobra Happy 64.23% about 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Chacorii 6 20.74