Historical Information for Owionenseno

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Waribe 4.90
Bjorovices 7.35
109 Herculis 11.87
HR 6950 12.25
HR 6594 13.93
Ross 706 14.63
Ovimbundu 15.78
Aptet 16.16
Guguurtuu 16.19
Othet 16.52
Warkin 16.64
Jaadwadlia 17.58
Dimoco 17.94
Thiansi 18.84
HR 6541 18.89
Allowa 18.92
LTT 15278 19.10
Jian Yu 19.75
Ngobogdii 19.82

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Owionenseno Purple Mob Happy 5.79% 5 days ago
Outer Rim Outcast Coalition Happy 6.29% 5 days ago
Confederation of Owionenseno Happy 10.69% 5 days ago
Waribe Purple Legal Network Happy 14.29% 5 days ago
Vanguard of Pravda Happy 20.58% 5 days ago
Zinra Corporation Happy 42.36% 5 days ago


Name # Ly
HR 6950 6 12.25
LTT 15278 6 19.10
LTT 15225 6 20.05