Historical Information for Padhyas

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Opila 7.28
LTT 11519 7.55
Bota Ili 8.25
Fular 8.77
Ethli 9.17
Onyaksas 10.39
Wakawal 12.85
Renetes 13.93
LHS 1743 14.00
Yawala 15.59
Tharwangu 15.62
Chonost 15.75
Girya Gu 15.75
Selniang 16.31
BD+14 831 16.43
Dongkum 16.79
Al-Qaum 17.49
LTT 11503 17.52
Esuvit 17.72

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Death Watch Happy 2.88% 7 hours ago
Union of Padhyas Democrats Happy 4.97% 7 hours ago
Padhyas Blue Life Industries Happy 5.37% 7 hours ago
Natural Padhyas Freedom Party Happy 5.67% 7 hours ago
Padhyas Electronics Group Happy 8.65% 7 hours ago
Beasts of Bestia Happy 14.61% 7 hours ago
Sirius Special Forces Happy 57.85% 7 hours ago


Name # Ly
Nandjabinja 6 24.43