Historical Information for Pard

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Djagho 3.32
Sotuknates 4.24
Huichis 5.74
Natay 6.08
Bunjil 7.07
HIP 2350 8.49
Kharvii 9.43
Lu Bosate 9.49
Warundecab 11.66
Wishas 13.38
Dhak 14.46
Raurakmo 16.12
HIP 3311 17.72
HIP 2311 18.03
HIP 2201 18.14
HIP 1866 19.03
HIP 1134 19.10
Col 285 Sector UO-R d4-83 19.42
Betet 20.42

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Pard Blue Gang Happy 0.98% 3 months ago
Pard Fortune Interstellar Happy 6.19% 3 months ago
Leaders of Pard Happy 6.29% 3 months ago
New Pard Alliance Happy 6.39% 3 months ago
Pard Bureau Happy 12.68% 3 months ago
League of HIP 2350 Happy 23.11% 3 months ago
Lu Bosate Confederation Happy 44.35% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Bunjil 6 7.07
Wishas 6 13.38
Col 285 Sector UO-R d4-83 6 19.42
HIP 2482 4 21.40
Col 285 Sector TE-X b15-0 6 22.65
Beserket 6 24.21
Kanomota 6 24.45
Col 285 Sector LS-K c8-8 6 25.20