Historical Information for Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-23

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Vorden 6.40
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-25 9.06
Aje 14.35
Equagei 15.07
Sun Aphu 15.91
Chankopa 16.16
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-4 16.88
Pa Puggsa 18.47
Ruadari 18.60
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-7 19.65
3 Beta Lacertae 20.32
Yarica 21.56
Privir 21.95
Igorot 22.36
Li Cherbon 22.41
HIP 108602 22.58
Hraeango 23.04
Wolf 959 23.43
Kwakinne 23.45

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Nyikoku Ltd Happy 4.55% 3 months ago
Phoenix Flight Explorers Commune Happy 5.45% 3 months ago
Values Party of Jura Laima Happy 5.54% 3 months ago
Social Aje Labour Happy 6.24% 3 months ago
Vorden Galactic Solutions Happy 8.81% 3 months ago
Democrats of Vorden Happy 69.41% 3 months ago


Name # Ly
Vorden 6 6.40
Pegasi Sector FR-V c2-25 6 9.06
Sun Aphu 6 15.91
HIP 108602 4 22.58
Sleipnera 6 25.50