Historical Information for Pegasi Sector LM-V b2-0

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Pegasi Sector LM-V b2-1 5.20
Pegasi Sector IW-W c1-13 8.66
HIP 996 9.00
HIP 1687 10.25
Pegasi Sector IW-W c1-12 10.63
HIP 1897 11.45
Pegasi Sector RN-T b3-3 12.69
Pegasi Sector MM-V b2-5 14.73
HIP 117577 16.12
HIP 1989 16.67
HIP 1736 17.00
Pegasi Sector EL-Y d88 17.23
Pegasi Sector QS-T b3-4 18.60
Pegasi Sector EL-Y d54 18.71
Mono 19.10
Pegasi Sector EL-Y d96 19.26
Pegasi Sector PS-T b3-5 19.26
HIP 348 20.45
Pegasi Sector PS-T b3-4 22.05

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Society of HIP 1687 Happy 6.99% 1 day ago
Cortex Interstellar Group Happy 12.89% 1 day ago
Guardians of Harmony Expansion Discontented 19.88% 1 day ago
United Systems Cooperative Expansion Happy 60.24% 1 day ago


Name # Ly
HIP 996 6 9.00
HIP 1736 6 17.00
Pegasi Sector EL-Y d54 3 18.71
Mono 5 19.10
Pegasi Sector EL-Y d96 4 19.26
HIP 348 5 20.45
LP 348-64 3 24.56
Bibaridji 4 24.68
Pegasi Sector PH-V b2-0 6 24.78
Lobeduning 6 24.82
HIP 754 5 25.20
Maleku 4 25.71