Historical Information for Qudshep

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Tangari 4.12
Kurundulli 4.12
HIP 100379 5.10
Ngadandari 9.95
Patosata 10.77
Beta Pavonis 11.22
HIP 103867 13.08
Tsohoda 13.27
HIP 97196 15.30
Mopaditis 15.36
Trimarindji 15.94
HIP 95256 16.31
Vayurathi 16.31
Yarram 16.88
Dimsti 16.91
Menguru 17.03
HIP 95350 17.03
Uadjamat 17.15
Ch'unchuan 17.15

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Qudshep Crimson Creative & Co Happy 3.05% 2 days ago
Qudshep Empire Group Happy 4.04% 2 days ago
Tangari United Happy 6.11% 2 days ago
Family of Qudshep Happy 6.8% 2 days ago
HIP 100379 Empire Pact Happy 10.05% 2 days ago
Qudshep Industries Happy 15.07% 2 days ago
1st Galactic Line of Defence Happy 54.88% 2 days ago


Name # Ly
Khaithu 6 19.54
Aakushu 6 20.02
Obaluaye 6 20.42
Apterisha 4 20.74
Macuayan 6 21.10
Maidjin 6 24.84
HIP 107345 6 25.48