Historical Information for Regira

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Pellang 7.68
CD-52 9732 9.54
Petra 9.85
Phi-1 Pavonis 10.30
Laklang 11.05
LPM 752 11.05
Matikuoluk 11.36
HR 7766 11.87
HR 7749 13.78
Yalura 13.93
Conchucos 14.04
CD-52 9466 14.07
Theta Indi 14.35
Tobala 14.73
Eta Indi 14.76
Khodiwobogi 14.90
LHS 492 15.00
LHS 480 15.03
Nagaybaks 16.19

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
League of Regira Dominion Happy 4.1% 13 hours ago
Regira Interstellar Happy 7.29% 13 hours ago
Future of Regira Civil War Happy 7.39% 13 hours ago
Regira Crimson General Comms Civil War Happy 7.39% 13 hours ago
Nationalists of Regira Happy 11.59% 13 hours ago
Styra Empire League Happy 13.99% 13 hours ago
Praetorian Curiate Assembly Happy 48.25% 13 hours ago


Name # Ly
Nyoru 6 17.49
Babal 6 20.66
Wen Chayuse 6 21.77
Sayango 6 24.06
Hunaharten 6 25.32