Historical Information for Ross 643

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Kuja 5.10
Lalande 30044 9.70
Sugal 11.58
Campi 11.58
Basty 13.15
Turots 14.46
Banei 14.70
HIP 83204 15.78
Andana 15.81
Bany 16.55
HIP 83747 17.38
Sibitia 17.38
HIP 80700 17.49
Alrai Sector KN-S b4-4 18.79
Tpheirset 19.03
Paucatec 19.54
Ambishas 19.72
Gucub Baja 20.42
Gliese 647 21.00

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Green Planet Happy 4.96% 37 minutes ago
Progressive Party of Sugal Happy 5.16% 37 minutes ago
Light of Humanity Happy 7.54% 37 minutes ago
The Nova Syndicate Happy 8.33% 37 minutes ago
Talon Security Expansion Happy 8.53% 37 minutes ago
HIP 83204 Independents Happy 12.5% 37 minutes ago
Cosmic Independent Agency Expansion Happy 52.98% 37 minutes ago


Name # Ly
Lalande 30044 6 9.70
Campi 6 11.58
Turots 6 14.46
HIP 83204 6 15.78
Andana 6 15.81
Sibitia 5 17.38
Paucatec 5 19.54
Ghekreep 5 21.38
Tricorii 6 21.42
Kata 6 22.23
HIP 84253 6 23.85
Vasupalinni 6 24.54
Sante 5 25.98