Historical Information for T'u Tu

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Untun 6.00
HIP 9414 6.08
CD-77 45 8.60
Sokariang 9.06
Shi Yu 10.82
Chona 11.70
Woyo Mina 12.69
Gorramacor 12.85
HIP 4291 13.93
Kulaye 14.56
Anayicates 15.43
HIP 10363 16.58
Ditian 16.73
Amarigeni 16.79
L 12-19 17.35
Hollos 17.49
Murato 17.58
Kebeledu 17.89
CD-72 190 18.00

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Raiders of T'u Tu Happy 1.02% 2 hours ago
T'u Tu Citizens' Forum Blight Civil Unrest Famine Discontented 1.94% 2 hours ago
Allied T'u Tu Focus Happy 4.18% 2 hours ago
T'u Tu Silver Energy Services Happy 5.91% 2 hours ago
T'u Tu Galactic Services Happy 7.14% 2 hours ago
Party of Yoru Happy 28.34% 2 hours ago
Aisling's Angels Happy 51.48% 2 hours ago


Name # Ly
HIP 9414 6 6.08
Shi Yu 6 10.82
HIP 4291 4 13.93
Amarigeni 6 16.79
L 12-19 6 17.35
Yoru 5 18.71
Ceut 5 20.62
Lepchaimyu 5 24.19
Osissi Hua 6 25.10