Historical Information for Tamalhikas

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Caller 5.39
NLTT 16391 5.74
Kvashirua 6.78
Katocudatta 7.87
Betel 8.25
LHS 1798 8.94
Kamchata 11.05
Bellapa 12.81
San Baltah’Sine 12.85
Skuta 13.15
BD+05 1146 13.49
Lumbla 14.25
Mbukarla 14.32
Nox 15.68
Lalande 13198 15.91
Gani 16.16
StKM 1-578 16.43
Galibi 16.73
Breksta 16.76

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Tamalhikas Partnership Happy 3.39% 6 hours ago
Bureau of Tamalhikas First Happy 5.49% 6 hours ago
Confederacy of Tamalhikas Happy 5.99% 6 hours ago
Tamalhikas Commodities Happy 7.19% 6 hours ago
Nandh Purple Allied Interstellar Happy 8.48% 6 hours ago
Zandu Progressive Party Happy 8.88% 6 hours ago
Omega Merchant Command Happy 60.58% 6 hours ago


Name # Ly
San Baltah’Sine 3 12.85
V848 Monocerotis 6 17.23
LTT 2545 6 20.71