Historical Information for Trepin

Nearby Systems

Name LY
V857 Centauri 4.12
Guy 4.47
LHS 2429 4.69
LHS 340 7.00
Marditj 7.81
Tiapalan 8.00
LHS 336 8.60
LHS 2441 10.82
LHS 2166 11.53
LFT 682 12.21
Ross 695 12.85
Carnoeck 13.04
L 190-21 13.60
LP 734-32 13.93
61 Virginis 15.52
LP 847-48 15.56
LHS 2157 16.03
Pwyll 16.16
Cavins 16.16

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
Trepin Purple Cartel Happy 2.53% 9 hours ago
Bureau of Trepin Constitution Party Happy 5.27% 9 hours ago
Trepin Energy Limited Happy 10.13% 9 hours ago
Official Trepin Freedom Party Happy 12.46% 9 hours ago
Trepin Values Party Election Happy 14.89% 9 hours ago
Collective of Independent Agents Election Happy 14.89% 9 hours ago
Hutton Orbital Truckers Co-Operative Drought Expansion Happy 39.82% 9 hours ago


Name # Ly
Ross 128 5 22.87
LHS 2065 6 25.02