Historical Information for Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c11

Nearby Systems

Name LY
Banji 14.63
Vesuvit 14.90
Nai No Kami 15.75
Ladagao 16.40
HIP 1672 16.76
Karunti 18.06
Masar 18.55
Oshatha 18.68
Cant 19.26
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5 19.95
HIP 4273 20.74
HIP 2881 20.83
HIP 2761 21.10
Barangali 22.56
Wonga 23.96
Hsuan Zu 24.02
Bende 24.74
Gandoques 25.96
HIP 1536 26.70

System Influence

Faction Name Recovering Pending Active Hapiness inf updated
HIP 117114 Independents Happy 5.5% 2 months ago
Union of Cant Left Party Happy 5.91% 2 months ago
Autocracy of Vesuvit Happy 6.83% 2 months ago
Off World Collective Expansion Happy 21.3% 2 months ago
The Void Walkers Expansion Happy 60.45% 2 months ago


Name # Ly
Banji 4 14.63
Ladagao 4 16.40
HIP 1672 5 16.76
Masar 5 18.55
Tucanae Sector DQ-Y c5 4 19.95
HIP 4273 6 20.74
HIP 2881 5 20.83
HIP 2761 6 21.10
Hsuan Zu 6 24.02
Gandoques 6 25.96